
Well, I was all ready to sign up for that fabulous 10-mile race and dedicate my summer to running! You can hear a “but” coming, and you are right.

For starters, I’m not sure I really want to dedicate my summer to running. Running in the summer is difficult for me – not only for the heat and humidity, but also for lack of time without kids. During the school year, I can put Allison in the stroller and push her; during summer vacation, I have Adalynn here too. That means waiting until afternoon or evening for my runs, and let’s face it: that ain’t gonna happen! Sure, I would make the effort, but I don’t think I could deliver every time.

Also, this set-up reminds me of my terrible first half-marathon in 2015. I don’t feel like I have the base required for this run. Yes, I could finish it, for sure. But I’m not sure I could finish it well. My feet have been bothering me, my ankles are stiff, and I’ve been having heart palpitations during my runs.

I am committing myself to something, though! I just signed up for a 5k halfway through the summer. It will be a way to keep running on my plate, but not in such a mentally heavy way. I’d like to work on my speed for this one. I think sub-11 is a lofty goal, but I’m sort of eying that… a sub-12 is more likely. The race I signed up for is a small one, and it’s local, so I feel good about the whole thing!

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