Friday Figgerins

As in… “How do ya figger?” I don’t know why that made me laugh, but it did.

  1. My 10k training was off to a great start but this week didn’t go so well. It has been hot as blazes here in Colorado, and I just couldn’t muster the strength to push a stroller in the heat. Actually, that’s not true: on Wednesday, we set out with every intention of doing a trail run. The trail was very steep, very rutted and very narrow, so 0.59 miles in, we went back to the car and turned it into a small hike instead. It was fun. Anyhow, I was supposed to run 5 miles this Sunday but since I haven’t run much this week, I am making the executive decision to drop it to 3 and call it good.
  2. I am in heaven right now between new episodes of Better Call Saul and American Horror Story. Saul Goodman is my hero. Sometimes when I’m trying to engage with a new client, I imagine him and it makes me smooth and silver-tongued. Andplusalso, did you see grown-up Michael Langdon at the end of episode 1 of AHS? Yowza. I mean, I know he’s the antichrist, but still.
  3. My daughter is currently obsessed with Trolls and while I know a great many parents get annoyed by it, I do not. I dance around the living room with her and sing all the songs. As soon as the movie ends, she wants to watch it again. I can’t blame her: I’m still like that, and I’m old enough to know better. Her bedroom is really dark now that fall is coming, and we went to Target yesterday and got her a Princess Poppy nightlight. She has been taking it everywhere with her and it’s ridiculously adorable. You know what she said last night when we tucked her in? She said, “Can I play with Princess Poppy all night?” We sort of just looked at each other and said, “No honey, Princess Poppy is tired and she wants to go to sleep.” It cracked me up, though.
  4. Our “gentle” potty training method seems to be paying off at least a little bit. I know a lot of people are proponents of the three-day housebreaking method but knowing what I know about Addy, I don’t think it’s a great idea for her.


We Need to Talk

Running, we need to talk.

I gave you a chance a few years ago when I felt like I had no other options. No, that’s unfair. I apologize. I really did want to give you a shot, even before I actually pulled the trigger. I had dabbled with you back East, running between telephone poles every once in awhile outside on walks, or jogging on the treadmill in intervals on my lunch break. I even began to entertain the idea of wanting to complete a 5k! I was afraid I couldn’t do it, couldn’t commit to you – so I didn’t.

When I moved here to Colorado, I went into a panic about making less money and was convinced I couldn’t afford a gym membership. I had a boot camp class to go to twice a week, but what else could I do? I had been working out five or six days a week before I moved, and I was itching to get started again, lest I slide into weight gain and fitness loss.

Running! Running is free, appealing, and a challenge I had already wanted to take on. Could this finally be the year I completed a 5k?


After running my very first race!

It could, and it was. I think I completed three or four in 2014, actually. I really began to dig you, running. It made me feel like I was part of a special group of people: runners. Well, sort of. I didn’t like saying I was a runner because I thought people might argue with me about it:

“Oh, you’re a runner? How many miles per week?”

“Oh, you’re a runner? What’s your PR?”

“Oh, you’re a runner? What pace?”

The more I ran, the more frustrated I became with my slow pace. It was hard for me to break out of an 11:00, and since I compared myself to “everyone else” who ran, I felt inferior. I know, running, that my feelings of inferiority aren’t your fault. It’s me, not you.

To make matters worse, the only time I could break my 11:00 pace was if I took walking breaks. You want to talk about feeling inferior? If I had to take walk breaks, then I really wasn’t a real runner!

I decided to try for longer distances. In 2015, after completing a 10k that felt really good, I began to train for a half-marathon. It was the ultimate challenge for me at the time, and I learned a lot, running. I learned about refueling during my runs, putting my arms overhead to avoid fluid buildup in my hands, elevating my feet and meditating at the end of long runs. I learned about the mind-fuck of miles seven through nine, and the thrill of completing a 10-mile run on a sunny Saturday morning. I learned the pure joy of waking up at 5 a.m. and finishing a run before I got to work, energized and confident.

The half-marathon came in October, and I ran it. I use that term loosely. It was slow (2 hours, 44 minutes!), painful, and underwhelming. I crossed the finish line angry and defeated. Everything had been great up until mile 9 or 10, and then it went downhill. Man, my legs hurt so bad at the end, and I had no choice but to keep going. It was absolutely miserable.


Faking it for the camera after my awful half-marathon.

My strong emotional reaction and bad race were due to many factors – the biggest one being that I was pregnant.

I valiantly tried to continue running while pregnant but two factors held me back:

  1. My pace just kept getting slower, and slower, and slower, until I was sure I could walk faster; and
  2. I was out of fucks to give after having completed a shitty half-marathon.

After giving birth and getting the all-clear, I couldn’t wait to get into your arms again and begin running! And I did, beginning at square one, with the Couch25k running app. It hurt, and I peed myself, which was new. I enjoyed it so much though! It felt so freeing to return to me.

I ran a lot with my jogging stroller, and that was a new adventure. Quite frankly, it was much less enjoyable. Suddenly I was limited to one or two routes – very different from running all over my small mountain town. No more running with headphones, either – no zoning out to my favorite songs. Weather became a big issue – too cold? Can’t go.

Not to mention, my runs were at the mercy of a tiny dictator.


Me and the tiny dictator, about 3.5 months old.

In one final push, I decided to train for another 10k. In the past, having a training calendar helped me stay on track and focus on my goals. But this was new. This was motherhood. Between exhaustion, laziness and all of the curveballs life throws at you when you’re really trying, the calendar started to stress me out.

So I chucked it! I said, “Hell, I’ll just work my way up in mileage and run by feel.”

That didn’t happen, either.

Basically, you stopped being something that made my heart flutter with happiness, running. You started becoming a chore and frankly, I have enough chores in my life. I ran a few races in 2017 – enjoyable ones, really. But it wasn’t enough to keep me coming back to you. I thought I was in a rut, but I think I just need a break.

There are other things I want to do with my life, running, and you just don’t fit right now.

You know what? Whenever you get sad, think about this: I can see us having a fulfilling relationship again one day, when my kids are old enough to get up by themselves, and I can sneak out the door at 5 a.m. to pound pavement again. In fact, I think that sounds rather nice. But it’s impossible right now.

I’ll still see you from time to time, when it feels right. And I need you to know that you were my rock for a long time. But it’s time for me to move on. I have medicine balls to throw, and battle ropes to slam, and kettlebells to swing. I’m in a different place in my life right now, and with different goals.

I will always love you, running! But that doesn’t stop me from telling you that we need to break up.


Actual photographic evidence of my last (for now) race, December 2017.

The Question I’ve Come to Hate

“How are you feeling?”

I think it was about month four or five of pregnancy that I began to dread this question. Back then, it just felt repetitive and annoying. Now it feels like, “How do you think I feel, genius?!” It’s like asking how someone is when they’re at a loved one’s funeral. Do you really expect them to tell you the truth?

“I feel like the world has stopped turning. I feel like the earth has gone from beneath my feet. I feel like I can’t breathe, and that nighttime lasts forever. I can’t think of the next day, let alone the next year without my loved one. I feel angry at God.”

Nope, no one is going to say that. Most of us are well-trained circus animals that have been tamed into submission and taught to say something sociably acceptable. These days, my response to the dreaded question is one of two options.

“I’m fine.” This reply is reserved solely for those who I don’t know well, which is most people. For some reason, people start really caring about you when you’re pregnant. This has been one of the most annoying parts of creating human life: You didn’t care about me before, why do you care now?!

“Do you want the real truth, or the nice truth?” This answer is more suitable for people I know a little better – or at the very least, people I don’t mind sharing my private life with. It breaks the ice a little bit. And once the ice is broken, I can tell them how I really feel.

I feel like a water buffalo.


Why a water buffalo? Because one day I was huffing and puffing up the fit trail at work and this was the first thought that crossed my mind. I couldn’t have picked a water buffalo out of a line-up, but somehow it sounded like the most appropriate way to describe my new lazy, bloated body.

Here’s how I feel:

  • My lungs are slowly being crushed. Do you know how embarrassing it is for a former cardio queen to gasp through everyday conversation? I feel pathetic and out of shape and gross.
  • My ribs are in some sort of vise at all times. I alternate between slumping, trying to sit and stand as tall as possible, and leaning at varying angles. It’s not because I’m being kicked there. It’s because she’s stuck her limbs inside and is slowly spreading my ribs apart like she’s a pair of pliers.
  • Queasiness has returned, except now it’s accompanied by uncontrollable hunger. As soon as my belly is empty, I don’t feel well. It’s enough to make me want to stuff my face at all times. And I do. And for all the pregnant women who say they feel oddly full after just a few bites? I wish I had that problem. My stomach fits the same amount of food as ever. It just regurgitates itself into my throat instead of digesting into my intestines like it used to.
  • I am a fire-breathing dragon. Luckily for me, my heartburn comes and goes. Once I get it, it stays like an unwelcome uncle. And then nothing will touch it. Water, bread, milk – everything makes it worse.
  • Nothing is coming out of me anymore. I eat and eat, and it doesn’t come out. I’m already at the maximum recommended weight gain for someone of my size, and I’ve still got a long ways to go. I’m not a particularly unhealthy eater – it’s really just not coming back out. At this rate, I won’t be surprised if I gain 50 pounds total. And because nothing is coming out, I constantly feel even more uncomfortably large and squished.
  • There are lightning bolts in my crotch. Yep, I had no idea I could conduct electricity, but I’m doing it. Sometimes it feels like things are ripping, other times it feels like Zeus is in my body. Sharp, stabbing pains. Ones that take your breath away, and it’s difficult to carry on like this in a workplace environment.
  • I feel like I finished a marathon but instead of being able to rest, someone is forcing me to continue walking for miles and days afterward. Sleep? What’s that? When every single thing on your body hurts and you can’t get comfortable, it’s pretty hard to come by.

I have been staunchly against inductions until this week, and now I think if my doctor offers to induce me for one reason or another I’m going to gleefully pounce and say, “DO IT.” I have so far to go, and I just want my own body back.

So how do I feel?

Fine. Just fine.

Baby-wearin’ Mama

Last night was our final childbirth class, aptly titled, “Follow Your Heart but Take Your Brain with You.” The five classes covered more than childbirth and included everything from breastfeeding to finding a pediatrician to envisioning our first date after baby’s arrival. It was fun meeting other moms around the community and opening important conversations with Erik; luckily for us, we have very similar ideas on many child-related topics. (Actually, it’s not luck: we thoroughly discussed many of these things while we were dating and engaged.)

I was surprised to find how passionate I became about part of last night’s class: baby-wearing. The subject had never really registered on my radar. Sure, I had thought about in passing: We should probably buy some sort of baby-wearing system for walking around downtown and hiking and whatnot.

I was shocked at how much baby-wearing systems cost! K’tans and Moby wraps are $50 and up – for a piece of fabric! “Fancier” carriers like the Tula and Ergo are $150 and $120, respectively. There’s no doubt in my mind that these carriers are bomb and you get what you pay for, but we ended up registering for a carrier that was $30-40 and called it good.

One of my Facebook friends had tagged me in a video of a woman “easily” tying a carrier, and it looked extremely difficult. I knew I’d never feel comfortable tying a strip of fabric around my body and trusting that it would keep my baby from certain death.

Back to last night: a community mom came in to teach us about baby-wearing. Oh great, I thought, another hippy-dippy eye-roller! Sure enough, she came armed with homemade baby wraps (along with some other, more technical carriers) and a tiny baby wrapped snugly to her front. I immediately thought this wouldn’t apply to me and Erik shared my sentiment, but we listened and participated politely.

I don’t know how or when or even why, but as we watched a live human demonstrate how to create a baby wrap and then tried it out on our partners (pregnant bellies make it a little harder to wrap comfortably), something clicked inside me. It suddenly seemed fabulously easy – and cost effective – to wrap your baby to your body and be hands-free as you went about your business!


Proudly sporting the baby wrap my belly wouldn’t permit

I was sold once again as the mom demonstrated how easy it was to use your wrap to modestly breastfeed baby. That could come in handy… I mused.

The final winning pitch was mom’s admission that baby-wearing often keeps strangers away! As she and the nurses shared stories about random people coming up to touch your baby in its infant carrier, or asking to hold your baby, and all sorts of the other nightmares I’m already dreading, I realized baby-wearing could be one of the greatest choices I make in the coming months!

“Oh, no, sorry, she’s sleeping,” I can say to anyone asking to see or hold baby while she’s safely nestled against my torso. And I can say it without a trace of genuine remorse!

So off we go to the fabric store to buy linen gauze and make a “hippy-dippy” baby wrap. If it will save me from awkward and annoying interaction after interaction, I’m going to embrace it to the fullest!

Thoughts from the First Tri

Trimester, that is. Today marks the official beginning of my second trimester, and I’ve noticed a marked improvement in many of my symptoms already – thank goodness! In honor of this momentous occasion (and because I made the choice to keep it mostly private for the first trimester but kept thinking about how much of this would make a good blog post), I thought I’d write about my experience thus far.

Warning: some of this is TMI.

  • How did you know you were pregnant? This is a question I’ve wanted the answer to since I got on birth control. Being a paranoid person, it never put my mind at ease that pregnancy symptoms are eerily close to PMS. I asked every woman I ever knew who got pregnant and the best answers were vague ones, such as: “I felt like I was coming down with something.” Not very helpful! I had two methods of being able to tell before I ever took a test:
    • I charted my basal body temperature. This is an extremely useful way of trying to conceive, and it’s also a hormone-free method of birth control. I knew that I might be pregnant because my temperature wasn’t falling when it normally did.
    • I’ve always been in touch with my body. When my “PMS” got worse and worse and I felt like I was going to get the world’s worst period (I even had a mega-cramp that woke me in the middle of the night), I knew something was up. For someone who hardly ever has severe or even mild PMS, something felt very off. And for someone who consistently spots before her period, the absence of any blood was peculiar.
  • Can I brag for a second? I ran my first half-marathon this fall – and I was pregnant! I hadn’t taken the test yet, but I knew. And Lord was I tired, and emotional, and felt like death at the end of it, but I did it. Here’s a photo of me crossing the finish line with my invisible passenger:
    Half Marathon 7
    Interesting side note: Runners get weirdly competitive about dumb things. See that Forrest Gump girl behind me in the yellow? At the beginning of the race I decided I didn’t like her for whatever reason and was determined to beat her. After the numerous walking – staggering – breaks I took, I was sure she beat me. Imagine my surprise when several weeks later I downloaded my race photos and saw that I STILL beat her! Pregnant lady 1, Forrest Gump lady 0.
  • It shouldn’t be called morning sickness. At least, not for me. I called it queasiness. It was real, and it was all day and all night. It was hard to find food that would be enjoyable, yet as soon as my stomach emptied, I’d feel miserably sick. All I wanted was junk food. Vegetables? Pfftt. Fruit? No way. Pizza rolls? Yeah! Pepperoni? Fo’ sho’! One of the hardest parts of the first trimester was adjusting my food schedule and intake. Normally I write my meals on a chalkboard and grocery shop each week accordingly. Well, that all went out the window with queasiness and food aversions. Slowly I’m getting back into it.
  • Speaking of going out the window… exercise? Yeah right. Try exercising when your body insists that you go to bed at 6:30pm. One of the ways I knew the first trimester was coming to an end was that I stopped waking up drunk-tired. I’ve even gone on some walks and “runs!” The fatigue was by far the most miserable symptom.
  • You count everything in days and weeks. Each week becomes a countdown to the next week. You are like a child proclaiming he is four-and-three-quarters-years-old. All you want is for each week to roll into the next one and get further into your pregnancy without complications.
  • Vivid dreams are real, and some are really terrible. I had a dream last night that I miscarried and birthed my deceased child into the toilet. I was terrified for the rest of the night and wouldn’t get up to pee in case it really happened.
  • Speaking of being terrified… peeing. Every time you pee, you obsessively check the paper (and your panties) for blood. I’m starting to relax a little on this, but only very little.
  • Lady Gaga should be off limits. Just kidding, Mother Monster! I used to tear up when I listened to Lady Gaga, simply because her music gives me all the feels. Now I sob, tears rolling down my cheeks, and can’t sing along because I’m crying. I just went to the Hallmark store to buy an anniversary card for my husband and nearly started crying in the store because the cards were JUST. SO. TOUCHING. I cried all through The Peanuts Movie when we went to see it. In fact, I started crying before the movie because a preview for The Good Dinosaur came on. Are you sensing a pattern? Me neither. There is no rhyme or reason, just many, many tears.
  • I want my bump! I still weigh in multiple times a week – don’t want to be surprised at the doctor’s office if they scold me for gaining too much weight. And I’m happy to report I’ve only gained between 3-4 pounds, and I’m still wearing my normal clothes (sometimes the fly is unbuttoned, but still wearing ‘em!). But I really want my baby bump. I can’t wait until it pops! I can’t wait to tell people to keep their hands off! I can’t wait to actually look pregnant and not just like I’ve had too many Hot Pockets.

I’m sure there’s more but… pregnancy brain. It’s a real thing. The best advice I’ve heard so far is, “Don’t make any major life decisions when you’re pregnant.” Being pregnant makes you don rose-colored glasses. It’s like drinking after a break-up. Actually, being pregnant is a lot like being miserably hungover. That’s how I’ve described it to several friends now.

Onto the second trimester! Bring on the bump, new energy and a 20-week anatomy scan (for lo, in my small and rural town, doctors prefer to do things the old-fashioned way unless there’s a problem… no 6-week confirmation ultrasounds for me)!

How Lame Are YOU?!

In a lot of ways, attending art school spoiled me. Although I was constantly surrounded by insufferable snobs, I was also often surrounded by interesting, deep, freakish people. This has turned me into an insufferable snob, and has really raised the bar concerning my perception of other people’s coolness.

During my brief stint as a tattoo apprentice, I had a conversation with my roommate’s visiting friend about how I was never one of the cool kids.

“You hang out in a tattoo shop,” he replied. “You are one of the cool kids.”

Of course, these things are all a matter of perspective, but I’ve still taken it upon myself to come up with a lameness test.

Answer each question honestly.

You may be a lame person if…

___ …you gasp when someone swears.

___ …you repeat the same story so often that your associates have it memorized.

___ …you only have five stories you continue to repeat.

___ …you have to ask someone how to dress “cooler.”

___ …you went to school for singing but don’t even place in a karaoke contest. And this is what I have to say to you: click here for hilarious Step Brothers clip! You’re Brennan, and I’m Dale.

___ …you say you don’t like Lady Gaga or Nicki Minaj but can’t defend your point of view.

___ …you refuse to listen to other people’s points of view, especially on topics such as religion and politics.

___ …you purposefully don’t invite people to important milestones in your life and then bitch about how uninvolved they are.

___ …you’re always ship-wrecked at parties.

___ …you have ever driven drunk.

___ …you have a rotten, mustard-colored mermaid tattooed on your side.

___ …you consume beer you find in trashcans.

___ …you thought that having Chuck Taylors and cupcakes at your wedding was soooo unique.

___ …you refused to have a photographer at your wedding and then got jealous of someone else’s amazing wedding photos.

___ …your wedding guests thought your fiance’s brother was the groom.

___ …you continually catch someone in a lie but refuse to believe they could betray you.

___ …your response to a guest giving you a bottle of wine is, “It doesn’t really go with what we’re having.”

___ …you have photos of yourself hanging all over your apartment.

___ …you call yourself an atheist but don’t understand what it means.

___ …you go to someone’s going away party and talk about your hairstyle the whole time.

___ …you keep all of your friends at arm’s-length, never allowing yourself to be vulnerable.

___ …your dad is your best friend.

___ …you never finish what you start.

___ …you put someone you barely know in your wedding party.

___ …the people in your wedding party don’t throw you a bridal shower or bachelorette.

___ …you have a weird, flirtatious relationship with your brother.

___ …most of the people at parties you host are 50 and older – and you’re in your late 20s, early 30s.

___ …you don’t know how to handle conflict, confrontation and disagreements.

___ …your idea of being wacky is sticking your tongue out in a photo.

___ …you’re going through this list wondering if it’s all about you.

Remember, the more statements you check, the lamer you are. My solution? Sorry. Not all of us can be amazing. Some are just basic. Learn to love your lameness.

Drop Dead October!

In honor of October, I’ve decided to do a drop-dead series. Drop-dead best, drop-dead worst, drop-dead whatever! I’ll kick it off with…

Ten Drop-Dead Funny Movies

Guaranteed to make you (or me, at the very least) lose it every time!

Better Off Dead
Better Off DeadAh, one of my all-time favorite movies, period. Not only do I think young John Cusack is absolutely adorable, I relate to this movie on so many levels. I quote it weekly. So many wonderful quotes, such as:

“Man, now that’s a real shame, when folks be throwin away a perfectly good white boy like that!”

“Why are you so small?”

“Two dollars…”

“Beth? That’s my favorite name.”

Hilarious. I use this movie mostly as a coping tool through the break-up of platonic relationships, rather than romantic ones. It works well, reminding you that this too shall pass and there’s always someone else willing to stick around you.

Do I really need to say much about this one? It’s brilliant. Most of all, I love the precious rom-com aspect, demonstrating that best friends can explode at one another and not talk for months, and they’ll still come together in the end. Aww…


Detroit Rock City
This movie never loses its hilarity, even after hundreds of screenings (right, Samantha?). Also, I love the comic-book way it was shot, the goofy villains, and most importantly, the eye candy…

Giuseppe Andrews

Dinner for Schmucks
Dinner for SchmucksThis is one of those movies that Erik and I always watch when it’s on TV. Always. It’s chaotic and goofy and oh yeah, has more eye candy in the form of Jemaine Clement, who I find extremely attractive. No one understands why… not even me. And Steve Carrell is just amazing with his taxidermy.

Dumb and Dumber
If I had to choose a number one, this would probably be it. I die every time I watch this stupid movie. It’s extraordinary! Caitlin and I quoted it often, and when I met Erik, so did we. Caitlin and Erik are, after all, birthday twins. My favorite part? It’s tough to narrow it down, but I think I’ll go with Harry freezing and Lloyd saying something along the lines of, “Here, take these extra mittens. My hands are kinda sweaty.”

Dumb and Dumber

FargoAlright, maybe it’s not what some may consider comedic, but I love this movie and I consider it to be a dark comedy. Hands-down the best part is when Steve Buscemi is irritated by Peter Stormare’s character’s silence, and keeps babbling on about how he’s going to stop talking:

“I don’t have to talk to you either, man. See how you like it. Just total fucking silence. Two can play at that game, smart guy. We’ll just see how you like it. Total silence.”

The Five-Year Engagement
The Five Year EngagementThis is for sure one of my favorite rom-coms, and I do love my rom-coms. I keep recommending it to all my friends but no one else has seen it yet. Watch it. Love it.

The Jerk
I probably don’t need to say much about this classic. This movie has the power to unite nations, by golly!

The Jerk

This is Spinal Tap
This is Spinal TapI love this movie because it’s a pretty accurate account of out-of-touch musicians. It only narrowly beat out Airheads on my list – very, very narrowly. I decided to only include one comedy about out-of-touch musicians, and this one is just slightly more memorable. And it goes to eleven.

Uncle Buck
I couldn’t make a list without a John Candy movie! I grew up watching him with my Gramma and we just loved his movies. Once again, I had to choose between movies: Uncle Buck or Planes, Trains and Automobiles? I went with Uncle Buck because I like the dynamic of a shunned relative with a troubled teenager. Not only funny, but heartwarming. “Ever hear of a ritual killing? A-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee.”

Uncle Buck

Random Thursday Thoughts or… Rice in the Oven Mitt

This blog perfectly describes me: scattered, with many varied interests. I often have people ask me what my blog is about. I tell them it’s more like a censored journal than anything else. Remember Viva la Bam? Remember in the opening credits when it goes, “Bam Margera! What will he do next?” and then Bam goes, “Whatever the bleep I want!” That’s how I feel about this blog.

In that spirit, here are a couple of random thoughts I deemed blog-worthy.

First, the hilarious. Yesterday I returned from my run to find Erik golfing and so instead of making the honey mustard nut-crusted chicken I was going to make, I made buffalo chik’n wings instead. When it was time to turn my little nuggets over I grabbed an oven mitt, reached my hand inside and immediately pulled it back out, saying aloud, “What the hell is in there?!” The inside of the oven mitt did not feel right.

I took it to the sink and poured it inside. Here’s what I found:

06-18-15 001

If you can’t tell, that’s uncooked rice. The oven mitt had been filled with uncooked rice. Quite puzzling. Erik has no idea how it got there, but I blame him. Unless someone broke into our apartment just to put uncooked rice in one of our oven mitts, I am convinced he did it in his sleep or something.

Which reminds me of the time I told Deanna how Erik ate chocolate in the middle of the night and it ended up everywhere: all over the bed, all over his chest, all over his face, etc. She couldn’t stop laughing. Even now, I have trouble keeping my composure when I think about it.

My second story is heartwarming – at least for me. After being betrayed yet again (I know: shame on me) by someone I thought was my friend, I was in need of some love. First Caitlin texted to plan her trip out here. Then Melissa did. Then Chris did! All in a row. I feel bad because I actually had to turn Chris down. The timing just wouldn’t work because so many people are coming around the same time. It’s true what they say: the people who really care about you will make the effort to be in your life. I needed that reminder.

The Soap Opera Continued

Warning: colorful language ahead.

I was hoping I wouldn’t have to write another entry into the Soap Opera Upstairs (The Young and the Trashy) so soon, or even at all. OK, that’s not completely truthful. The morbid, base human nature inside me is tickled by the drama; however, it’s such a crappy situation to hear emotional – and possibly physical – abuse going on upstairs.

It started with a leaky pipe. I was watching Wayward Pines (awesome show, by the way) and then toddled into the bedroom to read Doctor Sleep (awesome book, by the way). I was nice and tired, and then I heard it:

Drip. … Drip. … Drip.

I quietly got out of bed and located the source of the water. Turns out it was coming from a massive PVC pipe that so romantically comes through our ceiling and into the closet (basement apartment, remember?). I got Erik to get up and do something about it, but then I was wide awake again. I tried reading more but I was too worried about the pipe bursting and flooding our bedroom and couldn’t focus on the words.

I think Friends is on, I said to myself, getting out of bed and going into the living room.

I was enjoying watching the 20-somethings scramble to keep Rachel’s parents separated from each other as they ran back and forth across the hallway when I heard the first inkling that something might be wrong.

Canned laughter. Mute button: listening… nothing.

Rachel being sweetly comforted by Chandler. Mute button: listening… nothing.

The episode turned into the one where Phoebe gets chicken pox. Still nothing. I lost interest in the show about halfway through and decided I was once again sufficiently tired. I turned out the lamp and was on my way to bed when I heard it:


I froze in the darkness, conveniently enough right by the stairway door! I eased it open to get a better listening point.

Apparently Greasy Goggleface “pushed” Dumbo Douchebag’s face. I could hear him threatening her never to do that again. I could imagine him getting right in her face. I could hear her backing down in this tired, desperate-to-keep-him-calm voice. My heart was pounding, adrenaline rushing.

He wouldn’t let it go, and kept swearing and hollering and slamming doors. At one point, he made a comment about how she has a “leg up” on him because if the cops get called, she’s a woman and she’s got “a fucking baby.” He also decided that she didn’t just “push” his face, she “punched” him in the face. I could hear her rolling her eyes.

I also think I might have heard her say the word “booze,” and I wonder if that’s what’s going on. Maybe he’s an alcoholic.

Eventually he told her she could talk to him when she “calmed down,” and went and slammed the door. Two minutes later he re-emerged and asked if they could snuggle.

Give me a break, I laughed to myself. I heard them both go into the bedroom so I decided to go to bed.

I was then treated to the wonderful show that was the sounds of them having a serious, heated relationship discussion. Mind you, the screaming and swearing began around 11pm. Their relationship “talk” probably went until 2 or 3am. Lovely people, and so considerate of my husband who needs to wake up at 4:30am to go to work. He slept through it all, but still! Come on now.

I lay in bed, drifting in and out of sleep, occasionally waking to a tantrum. I wondered who it is that allows herself to be treated that way. I realized sadly that it can happen to anyone, and that’s probably what kept me awake the most last night. I wondered why she doesn’t leave, and I think part of the problem is there’s nowhere to go in this town. I thought of another woman I know and wondered if this is what happens in her house. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I thought about the baby upstairs and prayed that for his sake these people will either do extensive couple’s counseling or break up right now.

Now I’m tired, and working, and I feel like I have some sort of weird guilty secret.

Will there be cause for me to write another one of these blog posts? Stay tuned for the answer.

The Soap Opera Upstairs

Warning: Colorful language ahead.

My new favorite pastime is creeping on the upstairs neighbors, listening to their confusing drama.

It all started two Sundays ago with a flurry of stomping, screaming and swearing. I could hear their baby screaming his head off, followed by the male neighbor screaming at the dog. It’s possible he was screaming at the baby too, because you know, if there’s anything that will calm down a distressed infant, it’s screaming, stomping and swearing.*

*Side note: Parents, I understand that sometimes your baby or child won’t calm down and it’s hard to stay cool. But for God’s sake, call someone or take a timeout or do something that prevents the situation from escalating.

Anyway, I finally heard some angry garbled statements that led me to believe he was on the phone: “He won’t fuckin stop and you’re not answering your fuckin phone!” Mere minutes later, the female neighbor drove in and everything was nice and quiet again. Seriously though, if she hadn’t arrived, I was extremely close to calling the police. I was very seriously concerned for the baby.

Actually, let me backtrack. Earlier that day, I was in the stairwell getting my summer tires out. We live in the basement of a two-story home, so naturally at one point there were stairs that have just been walled off upstairs. We have access to them through a normal-looking door, and it makes a lovely storage closet.

So anyway, I’m banging around in the stairs and of course one of the neighbor’s dogs starts going berserk. It was that moment I realized how conducive to creeping my vantage point was as I heard the female neighbor say through clenched teeth, “Shut up right now or I’ll knock your goddamn block off!” It sounded like she was standing right next to me. Obviously, I froze, but then realized she had absolutely no way of knowing I was right there – unless of course I made a noise. I giddily ran to the bedroom to tell Erik about my newfound snooping treasure. He knows how curious I get about other people’s drama.

That Sunday was when it started. Up until that point, I’d never heard anything especially weird from them. Sure, they stomp around exclusively on their heels and occasionally I have to put a pillow over my head when I hear them mating, but whatever. We just make fun of them like we do everyone else. We call him Dumbo Douchebag because he’s like 40 and still wears band tee-shirts, wide-leg jeans and ballchain necklaces and has extremely large ears sticking out of his head, and we call her Greasy Goggleface because she has greasy hair and glasses.

But with that Sunday, it seems that things took a turn for worse in their relationship. I heard a great commotion happening this Saturday and opened my stairway door just in time to hear him boldly say, “Fuck you. You’re a fucking cunt.” I then ran to the window that looks out under our porch and saw her putting stuff into her car, but she never left.

The next day, I was laying out in my bikini getting some sun while Erik slaved away in the garden and I could hear them barking at each other again. Erik reported that the guy left in a cloud of dust only to return soon after again. I saw his head on the deck a few times like he was walking toward us; it seemed like he was looking to see if we were still there and then walking away quickly, hoping we didn’t notice. Ha! You think a person with a Gemini sun and a person with Gemini rising won’t notice you? Dream on, Doofus.

Then she disappeared in a plume of dust and he was in the house, banging something so hard that all the windows were rattling, like he was punching a wall or something. Lovely.

I hear them sniping at each other now, and this morning I swear I heard him follow her outside and say, “I just want you to know that you’re butt ugly.” But when I looked, both of their vehicles were still there.

Can you tell how exciting all this is for me? Sweet Erik brought me back down to earth when he said, “It’s not funny. There’s a child up there.” Aww… he’s so sweet. I know it’s lousy because there’s a child but I just can’t help finding out the latest developments in their relationship!

Will Greasy Goggleface find a new place for she and her son to live?

Will Dumbo Douchebag ever be free to play the same three chords on his guitar again?

Will DD and GG learn to put their differences aside for the sake of their child? Doubtful.

Join us next week for the exciting conclusion of… The Young and the Trashy.